Due to weather warnings for this weekend (20 to 22 December), the castle may need to close to ensure visitor and staff safety. Pre-booked ticket holders for day visits and the Castle of Light event will receive cancellation notices via email and SMS.

Check for closures Asset 1

Due to weather warnings for this weekend (20 to 22 December), the castle may need to close to ensure visitor and staff safety. Pre-booked ticket holders for day visits and the Castle of Light event will receive cancellation notices via email and SMS.

Check for closures
View of Mons Meg, refurbished in 2015



在1460年,在勃垦第公爵菲利普把蒙斯梅格大炮献给苏格兰国王詹姆斯二世三年后,这门大炮被运往50英里开外的罗克斯堡城堡(Roxburgh Castle)解围,但不幸的是,因为另外一门大炮的爆炸,詹姆斯二世在那里阵亡。



1558年,为庆贺苏格兰玛丽女王大婚,蒙斯梅格向着瓦迪缪而(Wardie Muir,今皇家植物园)的方向鸣响礼炮。1681年,蒙斯梅格最后一次鸣响。
