Honours of Scotland
The Honours of Scotland, on display in the Crown Room, are the oldest Crown jewels in Britain. Made of gold, silver and precious gems, the priceless crown, sceptre and sword of state are objects of immense significance.
The crown was made for James V, who first wore it at the coronation of Queen Mary of Guise in 1540. Mary Queen of Scots was the first to be crowned using the new crown and sceptre together, in 1543. The origins of the sceptre are less certain – it may have been a papal gift to James IV.
The Honours have had a turbulent past. They were removed from the castle and hidden in 1651–60 to keep them from Oliver Cromwell’s army. In 1707, following the Act of Union between England and Scotland, they were locked in a chest and sealed away.
In 1818, Sir Walter Scott, the famous novelist, rediscovered the Honours – along with a mysterious silver wand.
The Honours of Scotland and their accompanying exhibition are located on the first floor of the Royal Palace on the East side of Crown Square.